School Supplies:
Parents, we know that our local stores will begin school supply sales very soon. Please note that each class has different unique needs, but there are a few supplies that most of our classrooms use and it would be beneficial if you purchased these basic supplies.
- All Students
- Backpack
- Pencils/Blue and Black Pens
- Science
- Glue Sticks (3 total)
- Composition Notebook
- Highlighters
- 1.5 or 2 in binder (1 total)
- Pencil Pouch
- Social Studies Class
- 2 inch 3 ring binder (1 total)
- Math
- 3 subject spiral notebook-college ruled
- 1 pocket folder with NO brads
- Crayons (6th grade only)
- PE
- athletic shoes (no crocs),
- athletic shorts
- water bottle
- combination lock (optional $5 to rent a lock from the PE Dept.)