Sailor News
Every Day Counts! Regular attendance in all classes is an expectation of all Austin ISD students. State law and District policy state that students must be in attendance for 90% of the instructional days for a class to receive credit.
Burnet Middle School Choice Sheets / Hojas de elección for 25-26 School Year
Burnet Middle School Choice Sheets for 25-26 School Year Hello families!
AISD Notification Letters to Parents / Cartas de Notificación a los Padres
Please review the letters from Austin Independent School District linked below. Revise las cartas del Distrito Escolar Independiente, de Austin vinculadas a continuación.
First Annual Burnet Middle School Volleyball Camp!
A huge shoutout to our amazing coaches for making history with the very first annual Burnet Middle School Summer Volleyball Camp!
Sailor Weekly Anchor for the week of August 20
Welcome back students! Read the newsletter: In this issue: Highlight Highlight Highlight Read more on Smores >
Title 1 Meeting!/Titulo Uno Reuinión!
Title One Meeting Sessions Pick One of Two Sessions: Wednesday, August 28th at 5:30 PM - Burnet MS Cafeteria
2024-2025 Burnet Middle School Volleyball Schedule
🏐 Exciting Volleyball Season Ahead at Burnet Middle School! 🏐
2024-2025 Burnet Middle School Football Schedule
Attention Burnet Middle School parents and community! We are excited to announce the release of our football schedule for the upcoming season. The Sailors are ready to take the field and showcase their talent and dedication. We invite you to come out and support our team at each game.